Different Types of Pollutants treated
This family has very diverse toxicities, sometimes of natural origin, sometimes used as a poison of sad reputation. It forms a famous blue pigment, is used for the extraction of gold, electrolysis, ...
Halogenated solvents
Appreciated for their non-flammability, they have been widely used for degreasing, in glues, varnishes, paints ... Their replacement in dry cleaning proves difficult.
Hydrocarbons C10 - C40
Pollutants derived from petroleum; ubiquitous, since everyone (and all industries) uses fuel, oil, grease, for machines, vehicles, heating...
Malleable metal widely used in various forms: pipes, batteries, anticorrosion paints (minium), pigments (white).
Light hydrocarbons C5-C10
Pollutants derived from petroleum; ubiquitous, since everyone (and all industries) uses fuel, oil, grease, for machines, vehicles, heating...
A liquid metal at room temperature, mercury has had many applications in electricity, dental amalgam, gold extraction, and as a pesticide.