To propose to you the most efficient solution of depollution

We cover the entire French territory to meet your needs even more accurately

With 11 agencies in France and more than 400 employees, our teams provide effective solutions to the problems of pollution and contamination – especially from asbestos – found by our private and public. This national presence promotes our responsiveness, respect of deadlines and the quality of services we provide you on a daily basis.

Pollution of soils and groundwater, a complex issue

Each polluted soil is unique because its pollution relies on 3 factors:

  1. The nature of the pollutant
  2. The nature of the soil
  3. Different site conditions (depth, active site, presence of housing nearby ….)

The depollution of soils – and by extension of groundwater – requires not only mastering all the techniques of depollution but also a solid experience in depollution sites. With over 3000 depolluted sites since 2004, our engineers are able to offer you the most effective and least expensive solutions to your pollution problems.

Continuous adjustment to our clients’ needs

The great flexibility of our teams present all over the country, allows us to cope with our clients’ needs and in particular to respect their deadlines and constraints:

  • Due to our high staffing levels and a large fleet of internal equipment, we are able to meet your urgent requests throughout the year.
  • On some of our sites, our employees work at 3 × 8 in order to meet your expectations at best
  • Our teams’ skills cover the entire value chain of the revitalization of a polluted site, from the expertise of the environmental audits, through the design of the works, until their reception.
  • VALGO is also used to carrying out complex operations and asbestos removal or depollution techniques on active sites.
  • For your comfort, VALGO has signed for the best security measures with the best companies: decennial insurance (including encapsulation) with the environmental damage guarantee or the civil and professional liability…