VALGOrization – Oil Depot LyondellBasell – Valence (26)
Valorisation of a former oil depot that belonged to Shell and then to Lyondellbasell. The 21,000 m² site, surrounded by the Nationale 7 (trunk road) and a railway line, is crossed by a hydrocarbon distribution pipe to create an easement. After the site was purchased by VALGO, we carried out a project of asbestos removal, deconstruction, decontamination and land development, in 2017 and 2018.
Key aspects of the project
- Demolition of the tanks and site infrastructure (pumps, offices, etc.).
- Earthworks, sorting, pre-treatment by screening and disposal of only 1,500 t of material in biocentre (hydrocarbon impacted soil). After treatment, the threshold reached was 140 milligrams per kilogram.
- Pollutants found on site: HCT C10-C40 and BTEX
- Site in heavy excavation after demolition of the site’s infrastructures: – 5 m from the TN and approximately 28,000 m3 to be filled.
- On-site recovery of the inert fraction of the screened material
- Backfilling with controlled inert recycled materials at the entrance to the site (accompanied by the DREAL)
Land development project:
The site was developed through its sale to a logistician for 11,000 m² of warehouse space and 3,000 m² of office space with access to the N7. The remaining 7,000 m² were transferred to Renault Trucks to turn it into a platform for a multi-brand motorcycle village.
Location : Valence (26)
Duration of works : 2 years
Budget : 550 K€ of remediation works