Reference in the dairy processing industry: cheese dairy (12)
Problem / oppotunity
- Expansion of the cheese dairy and extension of the existing methanisation unit built by VALBIO in 2010
- From 2 million to 5 million litres of milk processed per year
- Regulatory obligation to purify effluents:
- White water: 7.5 million litres / year
- Whey: 3.5 million litres / year
Solution :
- Expansion of pre-treatment facilities
- Methanisation of effluents using VALBIO METHACORE® technology – Replacement of the 2 existing 55 m3 digesters by 2 140 m3 digesters
- Biogas used in the existing boiler to produce the hot water needed to make cheese
- Expansion of the aerobic finishing treatment
- Extension currently under construction
Result of methanisation :
- 270,000 m3 of biogas produced per year
- 1,500,000 kWh / year
- Purification efficiency:
- DCO: 95% BOD: 95%.